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+ What can BeautyEdge do for my company and new product development needs?
BeautyEdge, LLC brings new ideas and innovation to cosmetic product development by ensuring that the latest technologies and ingredients are formulated into the finished product. Our goal is to provide a “sensoround” experience to the products so that customers enjoy using them, thus ensuring that they sell well. Our consulting company delivers the expertise and the edge to create specialized beauty products and brands from concept to market in a 360-degree approach. The power of technology and the intrigue of customized cosmetics is the platform that makes BeautyEdge innovative.
+ I’m managing my own development but have occasional product development questions. Is BeautyEdge available for conference calls?
BeautyEdge is available for conference calls at a 1-hour minimum billed basis. This is ideal for new companies just starting out who are not quite sure of the benefits of employing a Product Development Consultant. We can answer questions like; Where do I start? What are current beauty/lifestyle trends? How do I determine how many products to launch? How do I manage costs?
+ My company has a Product Development team in place. How can BeautyEdge work with this team?
We understand that many companies have in-house Product Development, Marketing, and R&D teams in place. Yet, timelines, deadlines, and unexpected setbacks require short-term help on projects. BeautyEdge can work in support of or alongside your in-house team and can focus on specific needs such as new technology research, aesthetic development, color matching, fact sheet writing, and claims development. Please review our menu of services, Ala Carte Section to review the individual services BeautyEdge can provide. Further explanations of services are available by contacting info@beautyedgeinc.com
+ How does BeautyEdge stay on top of trends?
We research and review information from many sources to stay current on trends. We are continually updated on new technology and raw material launches from our global raw material suppliers; we attend specialized beauty industry conferences; we belong to trend and industry organizations like Cosmetic Executive Women, in-cosmetics connect, and the New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists.
+ How can BeautyEdge help my Product Development, Marketing, and R&D “blue sky” expert teams with new product ideas?
BeautyEdge can connect with you and your associates to review your company's product development goals, compile their ideas, and then facilitate a brainstorming workshop to build on the ideas of the teams. As a company, you receive an enhanced focused approach to the development of your Product Development calendar with collaborative agreement from the teams...because everyone is involved in and contributes to the process, your teams receive the benefit of a great team-building experience.
+ Can BeautyEdge provide a customized trend review for depth and focus with a specific goal geared toward my brand’s needs?
We can certainly provide a more in-depth category or lifestyle analysis of the industry that interprets trends and provide an abstract and presentation for your company. Contact Cherie@beautyedgeinc.com for details
+ My company is a raw material vendor. How can I benefit from BeautyEdge’s services?
Having worked on the client-side of the industry, we know how to present raw materials to Marketing Product Development teams. We can take your featured materials and create concepts for you to present to your clients. It saves time for you and saves time for your clients. Your clients are more apt to understand the technology better presented in a full concept rather than a technology presented with scientific verbiage and lots of clinical charts. We can also provide category trends to your teams for a better understanding of client needs. Contact info@beautyedge.com for more information.